DVRA Mobile Fox Hunt – November 3, 2024

The Penultimate Hunt for 2024!

Time is running out for you to keep that New Year’s resolution to “do a fox hunt”. DVRA will host another fine Mobile Fox Hunting Session of the 2024 season. Join Huntmaster Glen, NK1N, for this event Sunday, November 3rd at 9:00am ET. Hunts are usually done by 12:00 noon.

The starting point for this hunt is the Chapin School South Parking Lot located at 4101 Princeton Pike, Princeton NJ 08540 – Map

Please listen to the DVRA 70cm repeater, W2ZQ, on 442.650 MHz, positive (+) offset, CTCSS (PL) 131.8 Hz as that is how you will receive the day’s foxhunting instructions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Fox Hunting is a receive-only event. Participation does not require an amateur radio license. The only requirements are a 2m FM receiver and some means of motorized transport (it takes too long to walk)

In case the DVRA 70cm repeater is unavailable, W2MER on 147.105, positive (+) offset, CTCSS (PL) 123.0 Hz will serve as a backup.

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