2020 ARRL Field Day is on June 27th thru 28th

Join the Fun !!!!

ARRL Field Day is the most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada. On the fourth weekend of June, more than 40,000 radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups or simply with friends to operate from remote locations.

This year presents a real challenge for traditional Field Day operations and most clubs have canceled their events. However, the DVRA is happy to announce that we have alternative plans for Field Day. We will be participating in a couple of ways.

At least three of the local area clubs (DVRA, Penn Wireless, Warminster ARC and possibly more) have teamed up to have a Delaware Valley Club Field Day Contest. Participation in the contest will be from your home station running Class 1D (or 1E if you like) working any and all stations. Goals are:

  • Most total QSO’s by participating club stations.
  • Most Phone contacts.
  • Most CW contacts.
  • Longest (distance) contact.

Plaques will be awarded to the clubs according to the place they finish.

All QSO’s will count as 1 point regardless of mode or Class of operation. Contest exchange will be ARRL Field Day format. All you need to do is send your log to DVRA President Dom DiClementi, N3DD (N3DD@arrl.et) in Cabrillo format and your log will be forwarded to Steve KB3ORG at PWA who will do the scoring. So here is a great opportunity for all DVRA members to participate from your home station.

In addition, the DVRA will also be participating in the ARRL Field Day event. You might have heard that the ARRL has temporarily modified its rules to allow “Club” participation (meaning sending in multiple logs designated for a club) and allowing home stations (1D) to contact other home stations. So if you are participating in the Delaware Valley Club Field Day contest just upload you logs to the ARRL as well. Make sure you assign your log to the “Delaware Valley Radio Association” and not “DVRA”.

We originally planned to run one station on emergency power (1E) at W2ZQ, but now that the rules have been changed we will operate W2ZQ in the shack as 1D on a limited basis.

So the DVRA hopes you will help us participate in these events as we can now do it in the comfort of our own shack. We will also keep you posted on any updates as the contest gets closer.

For more information from the ARRL, please click HERE.

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