The Delaware Valley Radio Association (DVRA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization devoted to the promotion and preservation of the amateur radio hobby.
With over 150 members and a fully equipped radio station, the Delaware Valley Radio Association is one of the nation”s oldest radio clubs, having been founded in 1930.
Please explore all that we have to offer:

Club news, informative speakers and socializing with local hams
Informative presentations are given at the monthly DVRA Membership meeting which is held at 7PM on the 2nd Wednesday of the month (except August and December).
The presentations cover a wide range of ham radio related topics. Recent presentations include such diverse topics as:
- Portable Operating
- Operating for Success – Equipment, Propagation and Techniques
- Solar Cycle 25 – Propagation in 2023
- HF Antenna Building
- DVRA EME Station Design and Update
- Transceiver Performance for the HF Contest and DX Operator
If you would like to give a presentation, or have a topic that you would like to see presented, contact us at
A meeting notice, with details on the monthly presentation
is posted to the club website and sent by e-mail to club members.
The monthly meetings are open to the public.
The August meeting is held on a Sunday at the W2ZQ station and is conducted as the Club Picnic and Open House.
The December meeting is held on the 2nd Wednesday and is conducted as a Holiday Potluck celebration.
A Spring Swap Fest is held in late April.
See the Club Calendar for this year”s dates.

Annual operating event promoting remote setup, operational readiness and FUN!
ARRL Field day.
ARRL Field Day is the single most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada.
On the fourth full weekend in June, thousands of radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups or simply with friends to operate from remote locations.
Field Day is a picnic, a camp-out, practice for emergencies, an informal contest and, most of all, FUN!
It is a time where many aspects of Amateur Radio come together to highlight our many roles.
While some will treat it as a contest, other groups use the opportunity to practice their emergency response capabilities.
The contest part is simply to contact as many other stations as possible and to learn to operate our radio gear in abnormal situations and less than optimal conditions.
Typically, we construct and operate two temporary / remote stations.
Over the past few years, the DVRA has conducted Field Day on the grounds of the W2ZQ station or at Mercer County Park. In the spirit of operational preparedness, we run the equipment on generator power.
Check the Club Calendar for the location and dates for this year's Field Day.
- Antenna setup will be on Friday at 3pm. Station setup will be on Saturday morning at 9AM.
- Operating will commence at 2pm on Saturday and end around 12pm on Sunday.
- Food will be available throughout the event on Saturday and Sunday.
The DVRA Field day is low-key. The focus is threefold: constructing and operating remote stations, learning contest operating skills in a non-competitive atmosphere, and meeting and interacting with other club members. Try to join us; it’s always a good time!
We always need help with the planning and operators for the event. Contact Dom at to volunteer.
As part of the club’s Radio Station Operation, the following activities are offered:
Regular station hours for members and guests:
- Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday from 1-4pm
- Tuesday and Thursday from 6-8pm
Operators Club
A DVRA club member can gain acceptance into the W2ZQ Operators Club by logging 25 QSOs using the club call sign, W2ZQ.
Operator and Key Holder Training
are available during regular station hours.
Contact Dom at to schedule training.
Operating Events:
See the See the Club Calendar
for this year’s scheduled operating events:
Contests – Participation in the major ARRL and CQ contests, as well as the NJ QSO party. Operators of any experience level are encouraged to participate and are always needed.
Special Events Station – Call signs W2T and W2P are used to commemorate the Battle of Trenton and Princeton. This event starts on December 26th
Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) – This DVRA plays hosts to local Scouts who are earning their Radio Merit badge and is typically held on the 3rd Saturday in October.
License testing is held on the 2nd Saturday of odd numbered months.
A preparatory class for the General Class exam is held periodically. Watch the website for any announcements.
If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Examiner (VE), click here.
The DVRA Antenna Committee was formed to focus on the design, construction and installation of amateur radio antennas for club members.
The two goals of the antenna committee are to hold antenna construction events and to assist club members with antenna projects.
Club members can be helped with a site survey to optimize their available space along with other considerations such as aesthetics and possible restrictions on installation.
The committee can also help members with the design, material procurement, construction and testing of their antenna system.
As an added member benefit, the Antenna Committee has an MFJ 259C antenna analyzer that can be borrowed by club members. The analyzer will be loaned out for one-week periods.

Club construction events are held throughout the year.
Recent construction events include:
- Field Day antenna construction
- 2m ground plane antenna and coax jumper construction
- 20 meter dipole construction and testing for loaner antennas.
For more information, or to request help with your antennas, contact Greg at
- Soldering Instruction / Practice
- HamClock Construction
- DMR and Hotpsot Seminar and demonstration
- Digital Modes: hardware and software demonstration
- Antenna Tuner Seminar and demonstration
- Test Equipment demonstration
- EME Operator Training
- Field Day antenna construction

Some of the above projects will be held again this year as well as additional events. Look for the listings on the Club Calendar for upcoming projects, as well as articles and announcements on the website.
If you have an idea for a project or a seminar that you would like to conduct or attend, please contact us at

There are many elements to ham radio and we amateurs participate and enjoy some elements and pass up on others depending on our personal likes and preferences. Contesting is one of these and the DVRA has many members who enjoy the thrill of on air contesting.
Our members’ interests range from easy going ARRL Field Day to one of the extremes of radio sports, the ARRL CW Sweepstakes and many things in between. There are opportunities for phone, CW, digital, and EME (Moon bounce) modes and the club offers opportunities for them all.
We also have opportunities for members who have never contested or contested in some specific mode to be trained, observe, and ramp up their skills.
Interested? Join the DVRA Contesters Google Group to keep up with our contesting activities and keep an eye on the DVRA website calendar for upcoming contesting events.
Come join us and enjoy the fun of radio sports!

For many years, the DVRA has provided radio communication for:
- The local March of Dimes / March for Babies. This is a one-day event at Mercer County Park, typically held the last Sunday in April
- The cycling segment of the NJ Triathlon. This is a two-day event at Mercer County Park, typically held the last weekend in July
DVRA operates two open repeaters, one on 2 meters and one on 440MHz.
The 440 repeater is home to the DVRA Tech Net,
which is held every Sunday night at 9PM,
and the New Ham Net which is held every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7PM.

The DVRA monthly Membership Meeting
is held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
A featured presentation on a ham radio related topic is given at 7pm, followed by Committee reports for all club activities.
Keep an eye on this website for activities that might interest you. Current club events are highlighted with articles and the Club Calendar is kept up to date with all of the club’s events. Also, from the front page of the website, you can subscribe to get newly posted articles emailed to you.
Join the “W2ZQ Membership” google group.
Up-to-date club information is posted there as well as informative articles and links posted by members.
Go to and follow the instructions.
Our group is called “W2ZQ membership.”
You can also subscribe to have the posts emailed to you by sending an email to
Visit us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, #delawarevalleyradioassociation, and vist our YouTube channel at
Join our nets:
The Tech Net is held every Sunday at 9pm, and the New Ham Net every 2nd Tuesday
of the month at 7pm.
Both nets are held on the 70cm repeater, 442.650 MHz.
Club announcements occur every half hour on the 2m repeater, 146.67 MHz.
Stop by the Club Station
during our operating hours,
Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, 1-4 pm and Tuesday and Thursday, 6-8 pm
Our station is staffed by members who are involved in club activities and can offer operating
and technical advice as well.

The DVRA is an ARRL
affiliated club in the
Southern New Jersey Section.
Benefits can be found at the ARRL club webpage
Members can also join the Mercer County ARES group