The 40M beam is now operational. A big thanks to our premier tower climbing crew Rory NJ3U and John KD2AAR (aka The Flying Walendas). Rory and John in the man basket and on the tower reinstalled the the 8 ft. piece of reflector that blew off in a wind storm and checked connections on the driven element. They then replaced the balun and all coax from the beam to the ground.

Coordinating things on the ground were Greg K3EA and Stephen KC3LPO. The beam now performs to specifications at full power.

A very special thanks to Frank KC2TKD for arranging the crane and basket. He always comes through for the DVRA! We missed seeing you there.

A special message from Rory NJ3U and John KD2AAR (aka The Flying Walendas). Click HERE to watch.

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