AA2F Don Wright awarded the 2015 ARRL Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award

70 Year Scouter and ARRL’s 2003 Herb S. Brier Instructor of the Year Don Wright, AA2F (left) is presented with the new ARRL Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award by Gary Wilson, K2GW, Southern New Jersey Assistant Section Manager. The presentation was made at the Mercer Area District Recognition Dinner, Washington Crossing Council, BSA on April 19.

The award recognizes Don’s instructing hundreds of Scouts in Radio Merit Badge as well as helping many of them to earn the Amateur Radio License. For more information on how Radio Scouters can qualify for this new award, see the ARRL website.

AA2F Service to Scouting Award

Don Wright, AA2F (left) is presented with the new 2015 ARRL Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award by Gary Wilson, K2GW, Southern New Jersey Assistant Section Manager

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