Blog Archives

Making QSO’s during a recent CW Class

Robert Caivano, K2KEM makes several QSO’s during a recent CW class at the shack.

CW is a great skill to master and you’ll have plenty of fun making QSO’s with Hams all around the world. So if you have any interest in learning a new and fun way to make contacts,

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Building and using HF Mag Loop Antennas

On Wednesday, July 14th 2021, the Delaware Valley Radio Association monthly meeting HELD VIA VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE will feature a presentation titled “Building and using HF Mag Loop Antennas” presented by Bernard Robbins, ZL2BD.

Mag loops are becoming increasingly popular transmitting antennas in lower frequency HF Bands.

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W2ZQ Operators Club Inductees

The following members have been inducted into the W2ZQ Operators Club:

  • Greg Tyminski, KC2POL
  • Rich Freedman, N2EHL

We would all like to congratulate Greg and Rich for this honorable achievement.

To gain acceptance to the W2ZQ Operators Club, a DVRA club member needs to log 25 QSOs using the club callsign,

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The DVRA will be conducting a kit building exercise. This is geared for beginners and intermediate skill level kit building. Participants will engage in construction and soldering techniques, as well as, utilizing component identification, reading schematics, and testing.

Two projects from Pacific Antennas have been selected:

15W dummy load

40m Easy Receiver

A limited number of kits are available.

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Rich, KD2CQ and Bill, W2WZ Show Amazing Skill At The First 2021 DVRA Fox Hunt

Matthew – David, K2MXX – Bill, W2WZ – Rich, KD2CQ – Ray, KD2JBM – Michael, KD2QWL – Rich, N2EHL

6/5/2021 – DVRA conducted its first 2021 Fox Hunt* on Saturday morning, June 5th amid blue skies, warm temperatures, and gentle breezes. Three teams consisting of seven people ventured out and braved the beautiful weather to test their radio direction finding skills.

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The 40M beam is now operational. A big thanks to our premier tower climbing crew Rory NJ3U and John KD2AAR (aka The Flying Walendas). Rory and John in the man basket and on the tower reinstalled the the 8 ft. piece of reflector that blew off in a wind storm and checked connections on the driven element.

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Spy and Clandestine Radios

On Wednesday, June 9th 2021, Al Klase, N3FRQ, New Jersey Antique Radio Club ( Coordinator and Radio Technology Museum ( Historian will be presenting to the DVRA members (HELD VIA VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE) “Spy and Clandestine Radios”.

World War II can be thought of as the first electronic war.

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DVRA Field Day 2022

The DVRA will once again participate in the annual ARRL Field day.  The ARRL Field Day is the single most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada. 

On the fourth full weekend in June, thousands of radio amateurs gather with their clubs,

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DVRA Antenna Committee Event – Field Day Antenna Construction

The DVRA antenna committee will be holding a construction event for members on Saturday,June 12th at 11 a.m. at the DVRA shack.

The focus will be on construction of 40 and 80 meter antennas for Field Day.   Contact Greg at with any questions.

Rain date will be the following day. 

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The Art of the QSL & “The Quest” for DXCC and other Awards”

On Wednesday, May 12th 2021, the Delaware Valley Radio Association monthly meeting HELD VIA VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE will feature a presentation titled The Art of the QSL & “The Quest” for DXCC and other Awards”  presented by Greg Mauro, K3EA.

Greg (K3EA) was first licensed as a Novice in 1976,

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W2ZQ Operators Club

ARRL Special Service Club

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