Blog Archives

August Membership Meeting will feature the results of the DVRA Programs & Activities Survey.

Please join us Wednesday, August 12th 2020 for the Delaware Valley Radio Association monthly membership meeting. This meeting will be HELD VIA VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE and will feature a discussion of the recent DVRA members survey.

The DVRA conducted a Programs and Activities Survey from March 3rd thru March 15th.

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Jul 8th DVRA monthly meeting (VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE) features a presentation on DUGA-3: “The Russian Woodpecker” by Cliff Green WA2TMF

DUGA-3, The USSR’s Over The Horizon Anti-Ballistic Radar System

On Wednesday, July 8th 2020, the Delaware Valley Radio Association monthly meeting HELD VIA VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE will feature a presentation on DUGA-3: “The Russian Woodpecker” by Cliff Green, WA2TMF.

A former top secret military object used by the Soviet Union,

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Wires-X and how it is best utilized for DVRA members

In this month’s Repeater Talk article, we will focus on the topic of Wires-X and how it is best utilized for all members enjoyment and maximum benefit.

The DVRA activated Wires-X in February of 2016 on our 440 machine.  With the HRI interface box located at the W2ZQ shack and very limited internet connectivity,

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DVRA June meeting to be held on June 10th at 7pm via a web based teleconference

DVRA’s May meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 10th at 7PM via a web based teleconference.  Members should have received an email with instructions on how to join the teleconference.  If you are a member and did not receive the email please send a message to

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2020 ARRL Field Day is on June 27th thru 28th

Join the Fun !!!!

ARRL Field Day is the most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada. On the fourth weekend of June, more than 40,000 radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups or simply with friends to operate from remote locations.

This year presents a real challenge for traditional Field Day operations and most clubs have canceled their events.

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Amateur Radio License Testing Session conducted by the DVRA is Scheduled for July 11th.

Training & Examinations Director Martin Crabtree, W3PR has decided to run a scheduled Amateur Radio License testing session on July 11th. In order to meet the current state/local social distancing requirements and looking over what other testing centers have done during the pandemic, the testing will be run a bit differently.

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Jun 10th DVRA monthly meeting (VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE) features presentation by ARRL Vice Director Bob Famiglio K3RF

Bob Famiglio (K3RF) in his radio room at his home in Media, PA. Photo courtesy Bob Famiglio.

On Wednesday, June 10th 2020, the Delaware Valley Radio Association monthly meeting HELD VIA VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE will feature a presentation by ARRL Vice Director Bob Famiglio, K3RF.

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Please update to Zoom 5.0 to attend virtual meetings after Sat. May 30th

*** Notice from our Zoom video provider ***

Please update to Zoom 5.0 by Saturday, May 30th.

To join meetings, an updated Zoom client or joining with a browser will be required.

After May 30, 2020, all Zoom applications on older versions will receive a forced upgrade when trying to join meetings as GCM Encryption will be fully enabled across the Zoom platform.

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DVRA welcomes a member in May

The DVRA welcomes a new members in May 2020:

  • Jorge Godoy, KC2HMD

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All in-person meetings and events suspended until further notice due to COVID-19

As a result of the current COVID-19 situation, the DVRA is following the guidance of local authorities and the ARRL.  As such please note the following:

  • All in-person club meetings (General and Operations) are suspended until further notice, but please use our repeaters and nets to stay connected while maintaining a safe social distance.

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