Anthony Giancarli, KD2NHG, operates SSB voice on 10 and 20 meters during the 2019 CQWW DX SSB Contest at the Delaware Valley Radio Association – W2ZQ club station on Sunday,…
Anthony Giancarli, KD2NHG, operates SSB voice on 10 and 20 meters during the 2019 CQWW DX SSB Contest at the Delaware Valley Radio Association – W2ZQ club station on Sunday,…
The CQ World Wide DX Contest is the largest Amateur Radio competition in the world. Over 35,000 participants take to the airwaves on the last weekend of October (SSB) with the goal of making as many contacts with as many different DXCC entities and CQ Zones as possible.
Tullio Dellaquila, K2PCG, operates SSB voice on 40 meters during the 2019 NJ QSO party at the Delaware Valley Radio Association – W2ZQ club station. Photo courtesy Matt Robb, KD2OTG.
Hy Gold, AB2VG, operates SSB voice on 40 meters during the 2019 NJ QSO party at the Delaware Valley Radio Association –…
Gary Wilson K2GW (Left) is presented a certificate commemorating his acceptance to the W2ZQ Operators Club. Dom DiClimente N3DD (Right), the current DVRA President, announced Gary’s acceptance at the October 2, 2019 membership meeting. Photo courtesy Matt Robb, KD2OTG.
Gary Wilson K2GW is the newest DVRA club member to earn acceptance to the W2ZQ Operators Club.
Amateur radio operator Paul Andrews, W2HRO, operates dockside in Squam Lake, NH. Photo courtesy Paul Andrews.
DVRA member Paul Andrews W2HRO was recently interviewed by QSO Today. Here is link to the interview audio.
In the hour-long audio interview,
Note: New meeting place due to construction renovations at Our Lady of Good Council Church, and date changed to accommodate Yom Kippur on October 9th.
On Wednesday, October 2nd 2019, the Delaware Valley Radio Association monthly meeting will feature an Amateur Radio Trivia Event.
It’s time to defend our championship and go for a three-peat! Members are invited to come to the shack on Saturday between noon and midnight to partake in the contest fun and to socialize.
The rules have changed slightly from last year. The contest is reduced to 12 hours,
Mike Daly, KC2SBR, volunteered to provide radio support for the Northern Ocean Habitat for Humanity walk on September 7, 2019. Photo courtesy of Mike Daly.
On September 7, 2019, DVRA member Mike Daly KC2SBR volunteered as a radio operator to provide support for the annual family fun walk supporting Northern Ocean Habitat for Humanity in Lavallette,
All DVRA members, family and Friends are invited to QCWA Ch. 5
and the Penn Wireless Association’s 4th Radio Day on October 5, 2019 at Core
Creek Park located in Bucks County, PA. In the past the event was limited
to QRP operations, but has been expanded to include any power level the operator
would like to work using any mode.