The DVRA conducted a Basic Electronics Seminar on Saturday, December 9th at 10am. Basic electrical principles was reviewed and demonstrated using test equipment.
Contact Greg at with any questions.
The DVRA conducted a Basic Electronics Seminar on Saturday, December 9th at 10am. Basic electrical principles was reviewed and demonstrated using test equipment.
Contact Greg at with any questions.
On Wednesday, December 13th, 2023 at 7:00PM, the Delaware Valley Radio Association’s monthly membership meeting featured a presenation by Cliff Green, WA2TMF titled, “Conspiracies of the DVRA”.
In person monthly meetings are held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 137 W Upper Ferry Rd, Ewing Township, NJ 08628 (Driving Directions).
We truly hope you are enjoying your Delaware Valley Radio Association membership and thank you for being a valued member of our organization.
It’s that time of year when we very respectfully make a significant “ask” – to renew your membership for 2024 – in a time of rapidly increasing prices and financial pressures that seemingly come from every direction.
It’s time to release the Fox!
DVRA will host another fun Mobile Fox Hunting Session. Join Huntmaster Glen, NK1N, for this event Saturday, December 2 at 9:00am ET.
Hunts are usually done by 12:00 noon.
The starting point for this hunt is the Chapin School South Parking Lot located at 4101 Princeton Pike,
Kudos to Chuck, N3LBP as the newest member of the W2ZQ Operators Club.
To gain acceptance to the W2ZQ Operators Club, a DVRA club member needs to log 25 QSOs using the club callsign, W2ZQ, while operating the club equipment outside of any contests or special events. DVRA club members are invited to stop over at the shack during normal operating hours,
Even with less than ideal weather, the DVRA’s WØW special event was a great success. Twenty hams came to Van Nest Park during the event. Fun was had by all. Quickly looking at the log, we made ~235 QSOs on SSB, FT8, & CW.
A special thanks go out to:
On Wednesday, November 8th, 2023, the Delaware Valley Radio Association’s monthly membership meeting featured an update on the new 4.57m dish antenna being installed on the grounds of W2ZQ.
In person monthly meetings are held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 137 W Upper Ferry Rd, Ewing Township,
The DVRA held a construction event for members on Saturday, November 11th at 10am at the DVRA shack.
Participants learned how to construct a 3-foot coax jumper, as well as basic soldering techniques. Contact Greg at k3ea.dx@gmail with any questions.
The 50-1296 MHz sessions of the ARRL EME contest are held on two separate weekends: October 28th/29th and November 25/26th. The contest starts on Friday night, the 27th at 8pm (local time) and ends Sunday night at 8pm. The final weekend of the contest occurs November 25th/26th.
Operator training will be given on Monday,
The DVRA online apparel store is now open for a limited time. See new fall items added at the top of the page. Promote the club while staying warm and cozy.
The online store will be opened through October 29th.
Click here to make your selection –