Browser-based Signal Monitoring

On Wednesday, July 12th, 2023, the Delaware Valley Radio Association’s monthly membership meeting featured a presentation by Joseph Jesson, W2JEJ titled “Browser-based Signal Monitoring”.

In person monthly meetings are held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 137 W Upper Ferry Rd, Ewing Township, NJ 08628 (Driving Directions). For the convenience of our members, these meetings are also hosted on Zoom. Members will receive an email with instructions on how to join the Zoom teleconference. Members of the public are invited to request conference credentials by sending a message to

Would you like to see how well your signal is getting out? The advance of inexpensive software-defined radio modules, FFT and demodulation software libraries and low-cost servers (RasPi or Ubuntu Linux), enables the remote visualization, selection, and demodulation of RF signals. The history, SP theory, and architecture of this novel remote spectrum receiver will be covered and solutions demoed. What makes this discussed spectrum monitoring solution unique is that the User Interface is any (HTML5) standard web browser!

The idea of a RF spectrum server on the internet technology was initially pioneered by the NSA to remotely capture and analyze transmissions of interest but this idea was prototyped at a fraction of the cost by DSP signals experts, and amateur radio club members at the University of Twente (The Netherlands) and fellow communications students, created This Linux-based application software was distributed to international experimenters and amateur radio enthusiasts, eager to see
their transmitted signal power spectra at a distant location This was followed by a Hungarian engineering student, Andras Retzler, HA7ILM, who rewrote code and released his open-sourced version known as OpenWebRX (earned both his BSEE Senior Project and MSEE Thesis from this project).

Joseph Jesson, W2JEJ, is currently CEO of RFSigint Group and Adj Prof at The College of New Jersey, and has over 35 years experience with Motorola, British Petroleum, Oak Technology, and General Electric.

Our monthly meetings are open to the public. Feel free to join for all or part of each meeting.

  • Announcements at 7:00 PM
  • Featured Presentation at 7:05 PM
  • Combined Directors/Business Meeting
  • 1/2 hour social gathering after the meeting

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting!

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