DVRA Antenna Committee Event – Field Day Antenna Construction held at DVRA

The DVRA antenna committee held an antenna workshop and construction event for members on Saturday, May 6th at 12 Noon at the DVRA

During this event Greg Mauro K3EA ( discussed the design and then led the building, tuning and testing of a 10/15m coupled-resonator dipole to supplement our field day antennas. Following the event Greg provided the following comments and references:

“(Below) are QST articles and supplemental online information from the ARRL.   On Saturday, we built and tested the unfolded version of the antenna for 10/15 meters.  

The author did not build all of the antennas in the tables.  Antenna modelling software was used to come up with the design dimensions.  For the 10/15 unfolded dipole the suggested lengths were 21′ 4″ for the 15 meter element and 15′ 4” for the 10 meter element.

During our construction and testing, the antenna was cut long to start with:  22 feet for 15m and 16.5 feet for 10m.   The antenna was resonant about 1 MHz low on each band.  Trimming a little at a time: first we trimmed the 10m element a total of 10″ to get it into resonance; and then the 15m element was trimmed, a little at a time, about a total of a foot or so.  As described in the article, tuning either element did not affect the tuning of the other element.  This is a distinct advantage over the tuning of a fan dipole.”

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