
2025 Exam Schedule

  • January 11th
  • March 8th
  • May 10th
  • July 12th
  • September 13th
  • November 8th

Test takers need to sign-up prior to the testing. Send an email to Andrew Orsini, K2AFO, at k2afo@andors.net to register. If you need any special accommodations during the testing, please mention this in your email. You will receive a confirming email that you are signed up for testing.

The examination begins promptly at 10AM (registration at 9:45AM) at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 137 West Upper Ferry Road, Ewing, NJ. (Remember to use West Upper Ferry Road when programming your GPS).  Click here for driving directions.

Please bring with you:

  • The $15 testing fee ($5 for those under 18 years with proof of age), cash (exact change is appreciated) or check made out to ARRL-VEC. This fee is charged by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) to cover the cost of the test materials and the processing of paperwork.
  • A government issued photo identification – driver’s license, passport, etc..
  • A copy of your current FCC amateur license (if you hold an amateur radio license).
  • A completed and printed application form NCVEC 605 (this link takes you to a version of the form that you can fill in and print out). Remember to sign the form in black/blue ink.
  • A copy of the test answer sheet. Print out this sheet “actual size”, NOT “fit to page” and fill in your personal information (you will fill in the element and booklet numbers at the testing). NOTE: Bring more than one answer sheet if you expect to be taking more than one test.  
  • For those who currently do not hold an amateur license, please fill in the word “none” on the paperwork where you are asked to fill in your amateur call sign.
  • Pencils, erasers, and a black or blue colored pen (to sign paperwork).
  • A calculator (optional) Note: Cell phone calculators may not be used during the testing. A limited number of calculators will be available for use during the testing.

First time test takers:

  • You must obtain a Federal Registration Number (FRN) from the FCC prior to testing. Obtaining an FRN is done online at the FCC’s Commission Registration System (CORES) website. This process usually takes just a few minutes. You will need to provide your FRN on both your license application and test answer sheet. 
  • The FCC charges a $35 application fee for first time license applicants. This is in addition to the ARRL testing fee above. The FCC should email you after receiving your application about paying the fee, do not wait for this email as some emails have not been received. We suggest that you pay the fee as soon as your application is in the FCC system. This should occur towards the end of the week following the testing. Log in to your FCC account to check your application status. To pay the fee, use the CORES Payer FRN System (much easier to use) or the CORES FRN Registration system (CORES Login). Your license will be issued after the FCC receives your application fee. NOTE: This fee does not apply to currently licensed amateurs who are upgrading their license.
  • For those under the age of 18, the ARRL will reimburse the cost of the $35 FCC fee. To apply for this reimbursement, download the ARRL Youth Licensing Reimbursement Form. Bring this filled in form with you on the day of the testing. NOTE: In most cases you will only need to use page one of this form.

NOTE:  The FCC requires a valid mailing and email address in order to obtain an FRN. By obtaining an FRN, your name and address become part of the public record at the FCC. If you would prefer not to have your home address be part of this public record, you could use a post office box number or work address as an alternative. You are expected to update the FCC whenever your mailing address is changed.

You may download a copy of the testing instructions here.


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