HamClock DIY Workshop – September 7th, 2024

On Saturday morning, September 7th, at 10:00am, the Delaware Valley Radio Association will present a “HamClock DIY” workshop at the club shack.

HamClock is free software that displays a world map, gray line, propagation, and other info of interest to hams, all on one Monitor. You may have seen it on the large monitor at the W2ZQ shack.

Each attendee will be able to construct their own HamClock for $30 (about half the cost of buying one retail).

Participants will learn about and assemble a Raspberry Pi single-board computer, and will install and
configure the HamClock software and customize it for use in their own shack.

Everyone is invited, whether building a HamClock or not.

The workshop is now filled, so we’re no longer accepting registrations.
If there’s enough interest, we can run another workshop in the future.

Contact Rich Freedman, N2EHL at n2ehl@arrl.net if you are interested in a future workshop or have any questions.

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