Mar 2015 Repeater Talk

This months Repeater Talk article will focus on the propagation of the Yaesu System Fusion technology though out our fine country and especially in the greater Tri-State area.

However before jumping into that topic I wanted to let everyone know that as I prepare to write this article the first of the new DVRA Club DR-1X repeaters is making its way towards NJ! Delivery is expected this week and hopefully we will be able to get this new machine on the air in the coming weeks. As such we are still looking for interested members to express their desire and to take part in the repeater working committee. This approach is being taken so that the path forward for the clubs repeaters meets and/or exceeds members and users’ expectations and requirements. Contact NJ3U at ARRL dot NET to express your interest in being part of this repeater working committee.

So I’m sure by now you have heard that the DVRA club is installing new Yaesu System Fusion C4FM technology repeaters – you’ve primed yourself with the idea of improved reliability, coverage and capability of this new generation of radio communication. Now you’re weighing in on the usefulness of investing in new gear? Is this another fad in the radio community of will it have the staying power of SSB? If so is it time to socialize with the YL or OM to the idea that you want to order some new gear?

As to predicting the staying power, my crystal ball lost its “magic smoke” years ago. However if we can use past performance as a indicator we can with certainty say that the precursor technology audio frequency shift keying (AFSK) has proven itself and should translate into a bright future for System Fusion.

Now that we have established this technology is viable, the next question is where beside inside of our W2ZQ coverage area can I utilize my nifty new System Fusion radio? Many of the repeater directories list the features and capabilities of each machine – most likely you are using either the ARRL Repeater Book or an online version such as Repeater Guide or a Smart Phone App such as Repeater Book. Lately these and other repeater guides are adding the ability to search for Yaesu System Fusion capable machines. Take a look at this mapping of NJ – PA and listings from other clubs webpage;

Nationally overall guides now list over 312 Fusion repeaters. Of course many more are coming online as a result of the promotion Yaesu is running. Many of you may have heard that the W2MER is in line for a Fusion Repeater as well! Other NJ clubs are working on upgrading their repeaters as well.

In closing I would remind you that the most significant differentiator of the Fusion approach is that these radios are capable of traditional FM analog AND C4FM Digital– that means that in addition to having new capabilities you will have a fall back position to work in place repeaters. Explain that to your YL or OM when pleading your case for radio bucks!

Stay tuned to this feature column RepeaterTalk for the latest on our DVRA/W2ZQ System Fusion repeater upgrade.

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