Nov. 11th DVRA monthly meeting (VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE) features a presentation titled “PM and POTA – the Peanut Butter Cup of Amateur Radio” by Glen Johnstone, NK1N

On Wednesday, November 11th 2020, the Delaware Valley Radio Association monthly meeting HELD VIA VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE will feature a presentation titled “PM and POTA – the Peanut Butter Cup of Amateur Radio” by Glen Johnstone, NK1N.

Glen, NK1N shows us how to assemble, build and MacGyver together a Pedestrian Mobile Station for the ham on the go ….. and then tells us where to go to have some fun.

Open to the public. Feel free to join for all or part of the meeting.

  • Combined Directors/Business Meeting from 7:00 to 7:30 PM
  • Featured presentation at 7:30 PM

Members will receive an email with instructions on how to join the Zoom teleconference by November 9th. Members of the public are invited to request conference credentials by sending a message to

Glen Johnstone, NK1N ready for action.

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