Sep 9th DVRA monthly meeting (VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE) features a presentation titled “An Introduction to RF Analysis” by Chris Tenev K2QFA

On Wednesday, September 9th 2020, the Delaware Valley Radio Association monthly meeting HELD VIA VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE will feature a presentation titled “An Introduction to RF Analysis” by Chris Tenev, K2QFA.

This talk will introduce the audience to the basics of the analysis, measurement, and characterization of radio frequency equipment. It will lay out the units of measure used to describe RF components; explore the concepts of gain, power, VSWR, reflection coefficient, and linearity; and give an overview of the equipment used to measure such parameters.

Open to the public. Feel free to join for all or part of the meeting.

  • Combined Directors/Business Meeting from 7:00 to 7:30 PM
  • Featured presentation at 7:30 PM

Members will receive an email with instructions on how to join the Zoom teleconference by September 7th. Members of the public are invited to request conference credentials by sending a message to

Christopher H. Tenev K2QFA holds an Amateur Extra Class license and enjoys operating from HF through microwave frequencies. He spends most of his time chasing CW DX, working RTTY contests, operating tropo on VHF, and working Moonbounce on UHF and above. Chris enjoys radio for a living as well, through his work as a microwave engineer.

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