Solar Cycle 25 – Propagation in 2023

On Wednesday, January 11th 2023, the Delaware Valley Radio Association monthly meeting featured a presentation by Carl Leutzelschwab, K9LA titled “Propagation in 2023”.

In person monthly meetings are held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 137 W Upper Ferry Rd, Ewing Township, NJ 08628 (Driving Direction). For the convenience of our members, these meetings are also hosted on Zoom. Members will receive an email with instructions on how to join the Zoom teleconference. Members of the public are invited to request conference credentials by sending a message to

K9LA reviewed the progress of Solar Cycle 25, and he commented on the waxing and waning pattern in the strength of solar cycles across the march of time. He demonstrated how there can also be “noise” around these patterns, making the strength of any given cycle somewhat unpredictable until it unfolds! He then gave a brief summary on what to expect on the bands this year (including 6-Meters). He concluded by talking about the possibilities of 10-Meter long path during the year.

A copy of Carl’s presentation may be found here:

Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, began shortwave listening in the late 1950s. He received his Novice license (WN9AVT) in October 1961, and selected K9LA in 1977. Carl is an electrical engineering graduate of Purdue University and was an RF design engineer for Motorola and Magnavox/Raytheon until his retirement in 2013. Carl enjoys propagation research, DXing (he’s at the Top of the Honor Roll), contesting (he was Editor of the ARRL’s National Contest Journal {NCJ} from 2002-2007), playing with antennas and restoring/using vintage equipment.

He and his wife Vicky AE9YL enjoy traveling, which has included DXpeditions to Syria (YK9A in February 2001), to Market Reef (OJ0/AE9YL and OJ0/K9LA in July 2002) and numerous trips to ZF (Vicky is ZF2YL and Carl is ZF2LA). He has written monthly propagation columns for WorldRadio and NCJ, and has written solar and propagation articles for many other Amateur Radio publications. He was the lead author in the recent update of “The CQ Shortwave Propagation Handbook – 4th Edition”.

Carl was the Vice Director of the ARRL Central Division from 2017-2021. He now serves as the Director of the Central Division, and is on several of the ARRL committees.

Our monthly meetings are open to the public. Feel free to join for all or part of each meeting.

  • Announcements at 7:00 PM
  • Featured Presentation at 7:05 PM
  • Combined Directors/Business Meeting
  • 1/2 hour Social gathering after the presentation

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting!

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