Upcoming Bylaws Change Vote

At the Membership meeting on September 11, 2024, we will be voting on a few changes to the DVRA Bylaws.

The Bylaws document, marked-up with changes, can be seen at w2zq-bylaws-proposed-revision-2024-07-24.pdf

The proposed final document, which will become the new version of the bylaws if approved at the meeting, can be seen at w2zq-bylaws-proposed-final-2024-08-03.pdf

The following notice has been sent to the membership Google Groups mailing list (a.k.a. “the reflector”):

In June, 2024, the Executive Committee asked me to review specific
sections of the current bylaws of the association, and to provide recommended updates.

I made the proposed changes, and in late July, the Board of Directors reviewed the changes,
and voted to present them to the general membership for further review.

Attached is a document that shows the proposed changes. Deletions are indicated by strike-
through text, and additions are indicated by red text.
Also attached is a document that shows what the what the final bylaws document would be if

We intend to ask for a vote by the membership on these bylaws changes at the next
membership meeting, on September 11, 2024

The current bylaws require that require that these proposed changes be communicated to the
membership at least 30 days in advance of the vote. This delivery of the proposed changes is
intended to satisfy that requirement.

Here is a high-level summary of the proposed changes:

Article I, Section II – removes the requirement for the Board of Directors to vote on new
members. Applicants will now be considered members when they submit a membership
application, pay their first year’s dues (if applicable), and the Membership Chair reviews their
application for completeness.

Article IV, Section XIV – minor language cleanup – removes responsibility of Director of Special
Events for DVRA Ham Fests (as we no longer have a Ham Fest).

Article V, Section I – in keeping with the change to Article I, Section II, removes language
about the Board of Directors “acting on applications for membership”.
Also adds a requirement of quorum of at least two-thirds of Board members to enact any

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we thank you for taking the time to review these proposed
bylaw changes, as well as your attendance and vote at the September membership meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact me at treasurer@w2zq.com

Thank You,
Rich Freedman
Treasurer, DVRA

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