Even with less than ideal weather, the DVRA’s WØW special event was a great success. Twenty hams came to Van Nest Park during the event. Fun was had by all. Quickly looking at the log, we made ~235 QSOs on SSB, FT8, & CW.

A special thanks go out to:
- Mike, K2VPX for putting together the online logging and certificate downloading websites.
- Dom, N3DD for setting up the QRZ page (a couple of hams comment on the green lettering at the page, a nice touch) and obtaining the QSL cards.
- Greg, K3EA and Bob, KB3BB for supplying much of the equipment we used at the event.
Thanks to all who helped set up, operate, log, tear down, or just stopped by to lend support: WZ2V, N3DD, N3LBP, NK1N, NG2V, AD2CC, AD2EK, KE3BFZ, KE2BFY, K3EDP, KE2BQG, N2FXO, K2GW, KC2UDL, KE2BQP, KB3BB, K3EA, N2LTD, WB2WCO.
Look for the DVRA to return to watch the skies next year. Mark your calendar for Sunday, October 27, 2024.
Martin – W3PR
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