Winlink and Sound Card mode Demonstration to be held on Dec. 11th

As part of this year’s series of special projects, Gary Wilson, K2GW will be giving a demonstration of Winlink and other sound card based modes.  This will be held at the W2ZQ station on Saturday, December 11th at 10AM.

Please contact Gary at with any questions in advance.

Some info on Winlink ………….

Winlink, also known by its service mark, Winlink Global Radio Email, and as the Winlink 2000 Network (or WL2K), basically is a worldwide messaging system that uses amateur radio frequencies, as well as government frequencies, to provide email capability automatically and independent of the internet. This allows ham radio to step in when routine systems are down in disaster and emergency situations and still perform a routine function — email.

Winlink uses smart-network radio relays to send messages from one point to another. Email on the Winlink system can include attachments and also offers position reporting such as Automatic Position Reporting Service (APRS) reports as well as weather and information bulletins, emergency and relief communications and message relay. Winlink operators, who have to be signed up to use the service, operate under a system that was built, operated and administered by ham volunteers. A non-profit charity, the Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, provides support for the system.

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