Wires-X and how it is best utilized for DVRA members

In this month’s Repeater Talk article, we will focus on the topic of Wires-X and how it is best utilized for all members enjoyment and maximum benefit.

The DVRA activated Wires-X in February of 2016 on our 440 machine.  With the HRI interface box located at the W2ZQ shack and very limited internet connectivity, we were off to a good start in this emerging and exciting technology.

Fast forward to June of 2020 to examine the Wires-X system today.  The technology has enabled operators from all over the world to communicate near and far with others these days when conditions are not the best.

Global Wire-X Mapping

Take a look at this global mapping of Wires-X to really appreciate the growth that has occurred – at the same time consider the potential and responsibility that comes with a open and globally interconnected network.

The Wires-X system allows for each and every host to create a room of their liking and offer it up to the community.  Rooms exist for nearly every technical, language or hobby topic you could think of.  Many are passive with little to no activity; others are very active with hundreds of users connected at any given time.

With any group or party line system the potential for continuous activity increases and this is great for connecting users together.  Americas Link is one of the most popular stateside and also internationally.  We often find the W2ZQ repeater linked to this room and being used as a way to communicate with or monitor other operators in England, Japan, and elsewhere.  It’s a sort of DX clearing house using Radio over IP
( RoIP ), and while that’s a legitimate use of this feature some basic concepts and ground rules should be observed.

  • Wires-X is a secondary service to the primary function of regional RF communication.
  • Listen first, and then ask if the repeater is in use BEFORE changing the Wires-X room.
  • When you have completed your Wires-X session – revert the machine to the W2ZQ system.
  • Always be respectful of others in QSO and ALWAYS YIELD to Emergency Traffic.

The DVRA expects that over time Wires-X will become more and more valuable, so to protect this service and allow the regional RF communications to continue we need and expect your cooperation.

73, Rory, NJ3U – W2ZQ Station Trustee

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